Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lazy Sunday. Reading.

To me Sundays mean sleeping late, fixing pancakes and reading. I like to read books, blogs and favorite news web sites...perhaps write a blog post and a few e-mails. After that, the day is up in the air.

I'm doubly thrilled this morning because one of the blogs I read, BlackEiffel, did a post about the book I am reading right now, Cutting for Stone. My mom gave the book to me for Christmas, and I am loving it so far. While the link above gives a more in-depth summary of the novel, I will give you a little glimmer, too. The novel's namesake "Stone" is a surgeon, Dr. Stone. He is the only surgeon at a mission hospital in mid-century Ethiopia. When Stone's nun-assistant of seven years dies giving birth to twins, he flees, leaving two babies to be raised in the remaining wake at "Missing Hospital." I'm only 200 pages in, but so far I am hooked to this smart, contemporary novel.

Have you guys read anything good recently?

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