Thursday, September 23, 2010

Closing Thoughts

It's night time here in Hong Kong, and I keep thinking about the movie "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps," which I saw this evening. I wish I could wait to review it in the morning when my mind is sharper, but I can't--it was great! I am especially impressed with the movie because it is a sequel, and from my experience, sequels don't usually live up to the original form (with the exception of Thomas Crown Affair and Look Who's Talking). Shia LaBeouf does a stand-up job. I feel like he as an actor could become what Tom Hanks and Michael J. Fox were in the 80s--good, young actors that you like personally and professionally and you want to see succeed. The cinematography was cool, as it was unique and modern but also reminiscent of the first film. The story had depth but also did not forget to include delightfully cheesy glamourisms like a drop-in by Graydon Carter and hot shot Wall Street egos. If you were living in a cave during the Summer of 2008, the story will provide a super glossed over but similar-to-reality overview of what happened to the world that summer. It may be a stretch or it may be nostalgia, but I felt like I was seeing New York as it was during my first job search after graduating from college in 2008. I'd see the movie again.

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