Friday, November 19, 2010

Because it's Friday...

...and Friday rocks Part Deux, I have another post.


So many of you have been wonderful friends, asking what my upcoming holiday plans are. To answer your questions, I have decided to camp out here in Hong Kong for Thanksgiving. It should be fun (and dicey) considering there is a case of bird flu within the city limits. Fortunately the one case was contracted in mainland China (not here), and it is NOT spread by human-to-human contact. Please do not worry. While I may be eating US Grade A Cold Cuts on Thanksgiving, I am healthy as a hen.

As for an actual Thanksgiving dinner, that does exist here in Hong Kong. Imported American turkeys are available at the local supermarket. Provided you have an apartment with a luxurious oven or an extra large deep fryer (as my dad suggested), you can buy one of these bad boys and cook it right up. If you're wondering if it is expensive to buy an imported turkey, it is actually insanely inexpensive. I am not sure why a huge bird only costs $18 HKD (that's $2.32 US), but that's how much a large, fresh, imported bird costs...and it even comes plucked--in case you have heard horror stories.

This is the first year of my life that I have not spent Thanksgiving at my family's farm, so Rob and I feel very fortunate to have been invited to a friend's home for an early Thanksgiving celebration Saturday night. The wife of our friend is fixing a traditional Thanksgiving dinner from scratch, which is amazing. I hope that I will be able to roll up my sleeves and help a little, even if it's just for dish duty.  I am very thankful for the dinner we will have tomorrow night.

Rob and I have already started joking about what we may find ourselves eating on actual Thanksgiving (given that ovens are not de rigueur in Southeast Asia, and we lack one). Tune in for that at a later date.

As for Christmas, I have booked a flight and will be coming home for Christmas on Dec. 21. Mark your calendars!!!

Have a great weekend. Be safe!




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