Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble Gobble

I may be in Hong Kong, but Thanksgiving is definitely on my mind today. I hope all of you are planning to gobble up turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Perhaps you're a fan of pecan pie...I know the Chinese are. Most of the Chinese that I have heard say "pecan pie" pronounce it with an American Southern accent, "PEE-can pie." I was slightly taken aback the first time I heard it--it's pretty funny.

I'll be missing out on the traditional sights, sounds and family time that Thanksgiving usually bestows, so I decided to warm up the blogospere with some photos that conjure up feelings of the hearth and home.

Thank you Martha Stewart for outdoing us all. Here is a dreamscape thanksgiving table setting that reminds me of an idealistic, traditional Thanksgiving in the Virginia countryside. All the table needs is....FAMILY.
(photo from

 (photo by my friend Leyla)
Dad, doing magic tricks for the triplets. (photo courtesy of Aunt Lisa)

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